A section object contains information about a section. It contains relationships to the board.

An example of a section object is displayed below.

  "id": "sec_xPdL4geL0PReqpwK",
  "type": "section",
  "attributes": {
    "sortIndex": 1689631064,
    "title": "Section 1",
    "createdAt": "2023-07-17T21:57:44Z",
    "updatedAt": "2023-07-17T21:57:44Z"
  "relationships": {
    "board": {
      "data": {
        "id": "3pbz27udysdf57mg",
        "type": "board"

Section object properties

idstringSection ID
typestringAlways "section".
attributes.titlestringTitle of the section
attributes.sortIndexintOrder of the section. Sections are sorted in increasing sortIndex.
attributes.createdAtstringDate and time when this section was created. Formatted as an ISO 8601 date time string.
attributes.updatedAtstringDate and time when this section was updated. Formatted as an ISO 8601 date time string.
relationships.boardobjectBoard relational object containing only type and id as per JSON:API specification.