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A board object contains information about a padlet.

If you want the data of each post and section to be included with the board object then make sure ?include=posts,sections is added to the end of the GET request URL. eg: GET,sections

An example of a board object is displayed below.

  "id": "abcd1234efgh5678",
  "type": "board",
  "attributes": {
    "title": "My wonderful padlet",
    "description": "Memories of the past",
    "builder": {
      "username": "j",
      "shortName": "Jerry",
      "fullName": "Jerry Seinfeld",
      "avatarUrl": ""
    "iconUrl": "",
    "webUrl": {
      "live": "",
      "qrCode": "",
      "slideshow": "",
      "slideshowQrCode": ""
    "domainName": "",
    "settings": {
      "font": 1,
      "colorScheme": "light"
    "createdAt": "2023-07-27T22:10:09.834Z",
    "updatedAt": "2023-07-27T22:10:09.834Z"
  "relationships": {
    "sections": {
      "data": [
          "type": "section",
          "id": "abcd1234efgh5678"
    "posts": {
      "data": [
          "type": "post",
          "id": "abcd1234efgh5678"

Board object properties

idstringBoard ID
typestringAlways "board".
attributes.titlestringTitle of the board
attributes.descriptionstringDescription of the board
attributes.builderobjectUser who created the board
attributes.iconUrlstringIcon url of the board
attributes.domainNamestringDomain of board
attributes.settingsobjectSettings of the board.
attributes.createdAtstringDate and time when this board was created. Formatted as an ISO 8601 date time string.
attributes.updatedAtstringDate and time when this board was updated. Formatted as an ISO 8601 date time string.
relationships.sectionsobjectList of section objects containing only type and id as per JSON:API specification.
relationships.postsobjectList of post objects containing only type and id as per JSON:API specification.